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Chair of "Gospel, Theology and Life

The “Gospel, Theology and Life” Chair is a university center for research, training and expertise in biblical and systematic theology. She is part of the Dominican Center for Ethics and Spiritual Life (CDEVS) at the Dominican University College (CUD). It proposes an innovative approach that brings together New Testament exegesis and systematic theology in a perspective of missionary vitality and creative collaboration, inspired by the charisms of the Congregation of Notre Dame and the Dominican Order.

In this time of multiple transitions and questioning, this chair, centered on the Gospel and on the theological openings that flow from it, aims to contribute to new synergies in the Church and to meaningful encounters with our contemporaries. The title of the chair, “Gospel, Theology and Life”, is inspired by the Pauline approach, not only by the inclusive meaning of the word “Gospel”, but also by the interaction between the overwhelming revelation of God in Jesus Christ; the way of approaching God, the human being and the world around him; as well as the life of Christian communities and their relationships with others. The thematic axes of this Chair will therefore seek to address crucial questions for our Church and society.

Reflecting the diverse backgrounds of its members, the Chair aims to promote a cross-cutting influence – in both directions! – the Atlantic Ocean and includes in particular Belgium and Switzerland, in addition to Canada. The Chair also seeks to reach out, through collaborations, to theologians involved in the field, not only of Catholic affiliation, but also of other religious confessions.

Chair co-holders:

  • Michel Gourgues, o.p.

Professor of New Testament exegesis at the Faculty of Theology of the Dominican University College, Ottawa, and visiting professor at the École Biblique de Jérusalem, director of the journal Science et Esprit and member of the editorial board of the Revue Biblique (Jerusalem).

  • Marie de Lovinfosse, cnd

After obtaining her doctorate in theology, she was a professor at the Institute of Theological Formation and the Dominican Pastoral Institute in Montreal. His present involvement is in the Service de formation et de pastorale bibliques of the diocese of Liège, Belgium, and in research work in preparation for the commentary on the Gospel of Luke in the collection “Commentaire biblique : Nouveau Testament” (Éditions du Cerf, Paris).

Assistant to the Chair:

  • Emmanuel Durand, o.p.

Professor of Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and visiting professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Dominican University College, Ottawa. Director of the Cogitatio Fidei collection at Éditions du Cerf, Paris.

Thematic axes of the Chair

  • Gospel and women
  • Lucanian research and today’s questions
  • Hope and contemporary crises

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